

Haven, F. S., Blake, B. ‘Wáahlaal G., Brown, M. T., Christianson, A., Olin, F. R., IV, Smith, J., III, … Huntington, H. P., 2025. Feeding the Heart. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 67(2), 30–38.


Brinkman, T., Schmidt, J., & Paragi, T., 2024. Limited Immediate Effects of Wildfire on Alaska Moose Harvest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (ja).

Brinkman, T. J., Kellie, K. A., Reinking, A. K., Liston, G. E., & Boelman, N. T., 2024. Changing snow conditions are challenging moose (Alces alces) surveys in Alaska. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 48(4), e1555.

Leorna, S. and Brinkman, T., 2024. Camera trap sampling protocols for open landscapes: The value of time‐lapse imagery. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e13094.

Quigley, G., Brinkman, T.J., Wilson, R. and Christ, A., 2024. Behavioral response of polar bears to aircraft activity on the northern coast of Alaska. The Journal of Wildlife Management, p.e22554.


Brown, D.R., Arp, C.D., Brinkman, T.J., Cellarius, B.A., Engram, M., Miller, M.E. and Spellman, K.V., 2023. Long-term change and geospatial patterns of river ice cover and navigability in Southcentral Alaska detected with remote sensing. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 55(1), p.2241279.

McCahon, S., Brinkman, T.J., Klimstra, R., 2023. Estimating encounter probabilities among recreational trail user groups. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 42, p.100614.

Greaves, H.E., Boelman, N.T., Brinkman, T.J., Liston, G.E., Prugh, L.R., Reinking, A.K., 2023. Simulating future climate change impacts on snow-and ice-related driving hazards in Arctic-boreal regions. Environ. Res. Lett. 18 025006


Cunningham, C.X., Liston, G.E., Reinking, A.K., Boelman, N.T., Brinkman, T.J., Joly, K., Hebblewhite, M., Boutin, S., Czetwertynski, S., Sielecki, L.E., Prugh, L.R., 2022. Human and animal movements combine with snow to increase moose-vehicle collisions in winter. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 125007

Leorna, S., Brinkman, T.J., 2022. Human vs. machine: Detecting wildlife in camera trap images. Ecol. Inform. 72, 101876.

Brinkman, T.J., Charles, B., Stevens, B. et al. 2022. Changes in Sharing and Participation are Important Predictors of the Health of Traditional Harvest Practices in Indigenous Communities in Alaska. Hum Ecol 50, 681–695.

Leorna, S., Brinkman, T.J. & Fullman, T., 2022. Estimating animal size or distance in camera trap images: Photogrammetry using the pinhole camera model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 1707–1718.

Reinking, A. K., Pedersen, S.H., Elder, K., Boelman, N.T., Glass, T.W., Oates, B.A., Bergen, S., et al. 2022. Collaborative Wildlife-Snow Science: Integrating Wildlife and Snow Expertise to Improve Research and Management. Ecosphere 13: e4094.

Perra, M., Brinkman, T.J., Scheifele, P., Barcalow, S., 2022. Exploring auditory thresholds for Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 52(37-44).

Brown, D. R. N., T. J. Brinkman, G. P. Neufeld, L. S. Navarro, C. L. Brown, H. S. Cold, B. L. Woods, and B. L. Ervin. 2022. Geospatial patterns and models of subsistence land use in rural Interior Alaska. Ecology and Society 27(2):23.


Davol, E., Boelman, N., Brinkman, T.J., Brown, C., Liston, G., Mandel, M., Coban, E., Perra, M., Reid, K., Leorna, S., Reinking, A., 2021. Automated Soundscape Analysis Reveals Strong Influence of Time Since Wildfire on Boreal Breeding Birds. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. B23C-03

Perra, M., and T.J. Brinkman. 2021. Seeing science: using graphics to communicate research. Ecosphere 12(10).

Gibson, C.M., Brinkman, T.J., Cold, H., Brown, D., Turetsky, M., 2021. Identifying increasing risks of hazards for northern land-users caused by permafrost thaw: integrating scientific and community-based research approaches. Environmental Research Letters

Bahlai, C. A., C. Hart, M. T. Kavanaugh, J. D. White, R. W. Ruess, T. J. Brinkman, H. W. Ducklow, D. R. Foster, W. R. Fraser, H. Genet, P. M. Groffman, S. K. Hamilton, J. F. Johnstone, K. Kielland, D. A. Landis, M. C. Mack, O. Sarnelle, and J. R. Thompson. 2021. Cascading effects: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere 12(5):e03430. 10.1002/ecs2.3430

Schmidt, J.I., Byrd, A., Curl, J., Brinkman, T.J., Heeringa, K., 2021. Stoking the flame: Subsistence and wood energy in rural Alaska, United States. Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 71, 2021, 101819, ISSN 2214-6296.


Hasbrouck, T. R., Brinkman, T. J., Stout, G., & Kielland, K., 2020. Assessing Moose Hunter Distribution to Explore Hunter Competition. Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose, 56, 79–95.

Stinchcomb T, Brinkman TJ, Betchkal D. 2020. Extensive aircraft activity impacts subsistence areas: acoustic evidence from Arctic Alaska. Environmental Research Letters 15:11

Brown, D., Brinkman, T.J., Bolton, W.R., Brown, C.L., Cold, H.S., Hollingsworth, T.N. and Verbyla, D.L. 2020. Implications of climate variability and changing seasonal hydrology for subarctic riverbank erosion. Climatic Change, pp.1-20.

Leorna, S., Brinkman, T., McIntyre, J., Wendling, B. and Prugh, L., 2020. Association between weather and Dall's sheep Ovis dalli dalli harvest success in Alaska. Wildlife Biology, 2020(2).

Cold, H., Brinkman, T., Brown, C., Hollingsworth, T., Brown, D. and Heeringa, K., 2020. Assessing vulnerability of subsistence travel to effects of environmental change in Interior Alaska. Ecology and Society, 25(1).

Leorna, S., Brinkman, T., Kofinas, G., Kielland, K. and Welker, J., 2020. Exploring stakeholder communication within a caribou hunting system of Arctic Alaska. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(3), pp.199-214.

Hasbrouck, T.R., Brinkman, T.J., Stout, G., Trochim, E. and Kielland, K., 2020. Quantifying effects of environmental factors on moose harvest in Interior Alaska. Wildlife Biology, 2020(2).

Pedersen, N.J., Brinkman, T.J., Shideler, R.T. and Perham, C.J., Effects of environmental conditions on the use of forward‐looking infrared for bear den detection in the Alaska Arctic. Conservation Science and Practice.


Heeringa, K., Huntington, O., Woods, B., Chapin, F.S., Hum, R. and Brinkman, T., 2019. A holistic definition of healthy traditional harvest practices for rural Indigenous communities in Interior Alaska. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(B), pp.1-15.

Stinchcomb, T.R., Brinkman, T.J. and Fritz, S.A., 2019. A Review of Aircraft-Subsistence Harvester Conflict in Arctic Alaska. Arctic, 72(2).

Boelman, N.T., Liston, G.E., Gurarie, E., Meddens, A.J., Mahoney, P.J., Kirchner, P.B., Bohrer, G., Brinkman, T.J., Cosgrove, C.L., Eitel, J.U. and Hebblewhite, M., 2019. Integrating snow science and wildlife ecology in Arctic-boreal North America. Environmental Research Letters, 14(1), p.010401.


Brown, C.L., Kielland, K., Brinkman, T.J., Gilbert, S.L. and Euskirchen, E.S., 2018. Resource selection and movement of male moose in response to varying levels of off‐road vehicle access. Ecosphere, 9(9), p.e02405.

Brinkman, T.J., 2018. Hunter acceptance of antlerless moose harvest in Alaska: importance of agency trust, proximity of hunter residence to hunting area, and hunting experience. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23(2), pp.129-145.

Mahoney, P.J., Liston, G.E., LaPoint, S., Gurarie, E., Mangipane, B., Wells, A.G., Brinkman, T.J., Eitel, J.U., Hebblewhite, M., Nolin, A.W. and Boelman, N., 2018. Navigating snowscapes: scale‐dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties. Ecological Applications, 28(7), pp.1715-1729.

Brown, D.R., Brinkman, T.J., Verbyla, D.L., Brown, C.L., Cold, H.S. and Hollingsworth, T.N., 2018. Changing river ice seasonality and impacts on interior Alaskan communities. Weather, Climate, and Society, 10(4), pp.625-640.

Brown, C.L., Kielland, K., Brinkman, T.J., Gilbert, S.L. and Euskirchen, E.S., 2018. Resource selection and movement of male moose in response to varying levels of off‐road vehicle access. Ecosphere, 9(9), p.e02405.

Brown, C.L., Kielland, K., Euskirchen, E.S., Brinkman, T.J., Ruess, R.W. and Kellie, K.A., 2018. Fire-mediated patterns of habitat use by male moose (Alces alces) in Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96(3), pp.183-192.


Johnson, I., Brinkman, T., Lake, B. and Brown, C., 2017. Winter hunting behavior and habitat selection of wolves in a low-density prey system. Wildlife Biology, 2017(4).

Person, D.K. and Brinkman, T.J., 2017. Succession debt and roads: Short and long-term effects of timber harvest on a large-mammal predator-prey community in southeast Alaska. North Pacific Temperate Rainforests: Ecology and Conservation, pp.143-167.


Johnson, I., Brinkman, T., Britton, K., Kelly, J., Hundertmark, K., Lake, B. and Verbyla, D., 2016. Quantifying rural hunter access in Alaska. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 21(3), pp.240-253.

Chapin III, F.S., Knapp, C.N., Brinkman, T.J., Bronen, R. and Cochran, P., 2016. Community-empowered adaptation for self-reliance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19, pp.67-75.

Brinkman, T.J., Hansen, W.D., Chapin, F.S., Kofinas, G., BurnSilver, S. and Rupp, T.S., 2016. Arctic communities perceive climate impacts on access as a critical challenge to availability of subsistence resources. Climatic Change, 139(3-4), pp.413-427.


Shanley, C.S., Pyare, S., Goldstein, M.I., Alaback, P.B., Albert, D.M., Beier, C.M., Brinkman, T.J., Edwards, R.T., Hood, E., MacKinnon, A. and McPhee, M.V., 2015. Climate change implications in the northern coastal temperate rainforest of North America. Climatic Change, 130(2), pp.155-170.

Brown, C.L., Seaton, K.A., Brinkman, T.J., Euskirchen, E.S. and Kielland, K., 2015. Applications of resilience theory in management of a moose–hunter system in Alaska. Ecology and Society, 20(1).


Gustine, D.D., Brinkman, T.J., Lindgren, M.A., Schmidt, J.I., Rupp, T.S. and Adams, L.G., 2014. Climate-driven effects of fire on winter habitat for caribou in the Alaskan-Yukon Arctic. PloS one, 9(7), p.e100588.

Grovenburg, T.W., Klaver, R.W., Jacques, C.N., Brinkman, T.J., Swanson, C.C., DePerno, C.S., Monteith, K.L., Sievers, J.D., Bleich, V.C., Kie, J.G. and Jenks, J.A., 2014. Influence of landscape characteristics on retention of expandable radiocollars on young ungulates. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 38(1), pp.89-95.

Grovenburg, T.W., Monteith, K.L., Jacques, C.N., Klaver, R.W., DePerno, C.S., Brinkman, T.J., Monteith, K.B., Gilbert, S.L., Smith, J.B., Bleich, V.C. and Swanson, C.C., 2014. Re-evaluating neonatal-age models for ungulates: does model choice affect survival estimates? PLoS One, 9(9), p.e108797.

Brinkman, T., Maracle, K.T.B., Kelly, J., Vandyke, M., Firmin, A. and Springsteen, A., 2014. Impact of fuel costs on high-latitude subsistence activities. Ecology and Society, 19(4).


Hansen, W.D., Brinkman, T.J., Leonawicz, M., CHAPIN III, F.S. and Kofinas, G.P., 2013. Changing daily wind speeds on Alaska's North Slope: implications for rural hunting opportunities. Arctic, pp.448-458.

Hansen, W.D., Brinkman, T.J., Chapin III, F.S. and Brown, C., 2013. Meeting indigenous subsistence needs: the case for prey switching in rural Alaska. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(2), pp.109-123.

Grovenburg, T.W., Jacques, C.N., Klaver, R.W., DePerno, C.S., Lehman, C.P., Brinkman, T.J., Robling, K.A., Rupp, S.P. and Jenks, J.A., 2013. Effects of plant phenology and vertical height on accuracy of radio-telemetry locations. Wildlife Biology, 19(1), pp.30-40.

Brinkman, T.J., Person, D.K., Smith, W., Chapin III, F.S., McCoy, K., Leonawicz, M. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2013. Using DNA to test the utility of pellet‐group counts as an index of deer counts. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37(2), pp.444-450.

Brinkman, T., Kofinas, G., Hansen, W., Chapin III, F.S. and Rupp, S., 2013. A new framework to manage hunting: Why we should shift focus from abundance to availability. The Wildlife Professional, 7, pp.38-43.

Colson, K.E., Brinkman, T.J., Person, D.K. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2013. Fine-scale social and spatial genetic structure in Sitka black-tailed deer. Conservation Genetics, 14(2), pp.439-449.


Brinkman, T.J., 2012. Hunting. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, 5: 189-192.

Monteith, K.L., Monteith, K.B., Delger, J.A., Schmitz, L.E., Brinkman, T.J., Deperno, C.S. and Jenks, J.A., 2012. Immobilization of white‐tailed deer with telazol, ketamine, and xylazine, and evaluation of antagonists. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(7), pp.1412-1419.


Brinkman, T.J., Person, D.K., Chapin III, F.S., Smith, W. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2011. Estimating abundance of Sitka black‐tailed deer using DNA from fecal pellets. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 75(1), pp.232-242.

Grovenburg, T.W., Jacques, C.N., Klaver, R.W., DePerno, C.S., Brinkman, T.J., Swanson, C.C. and Jenks, J.A., 2011. Influence of landscape characteristics on migration strategies of white-tailed deer. Journal of Mammalogy, 92(3), pp.534-543.

Grovenburg, T.W., Swanson, C.C., Jacques, C.N., Klaver, R.W., Brinkman, T.J., Burris, B.M., Deperno, C.S. and Jenks, J.A., 2011. Survival of white‐tailed deer neonates in Minnesota and South Dakota. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 75(1), pp.213-220.


Brinkman, T.J., 2010. The poop on sitka deer abundance: Investigating deer populations and hunters on Prince of Wales Island. Fair Chase, 32-39.

Brinkman, T.J., Schwartz, M.K., Person, D.K., Pilgrim, K.L. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2010. Effects of time and rainfall on PCR success using DNA extracted from deer fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics, 11(4), pp.1547-1552.

Brinkman, T.J., Person, D.K., Schwartz, M.K., Pilgrim, K.L., Colson, K.E. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2010. Individual identification of Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) using DNA from fecal pellets. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2(1), pp.115-118.


Brinkman, T.J. and Hundertmark, K.J., 2009. Sex identification of northern ungulates using low quality and quantity DNA. Conservation Genetics, 10(4), pp.1189-1193.

Brinkman, T.J., 2009. Resilience of a deer hunting system in Southeast Alaska: integrating social, ecological, and genetic dimensions. (Doctoral dissertation).

Brinkman, T.J., Chapin, T., Kofinas, G. and Person, D.K., 2009. Linking hunter knowledge with forest change to understand changing deer harvest opportunities in intensively logged landscapes. Ecology and Society, 14(1).

Jacques, C.N., Jenks, J.A., Deperno, C.S., Sievers, J.D., Grovenburg, T.W., Brinkman, T.J., Swanson, C.C. and Stillings, B.A., 2009. Evaluating ungulate mortality associated with helicopter net‐gun captures in the Northern Great Plains. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 73(8), pp.1282-1291.