Impacts of wildfire fuel breaks on moose and berries (2017-2021)
Co-production of knowledge on the wildfire fuel breaks in Interior Alaska
Objectives: 1) To develop a drone-based rapid assessment tool for assessing fuel regeneration in burn breaks around Fairbanks Alaska, 2) Quantify the externalities (moose hunting opportunity, berry production) association with burn breaks.
Collaborators: Brinkman TJ (Co-PI), Paragi T (Co-PI, ADFG)
Students: Quigley G
Funding: NSF, $2,254,000
Habitat characteristics of moose calving sites
Tanana Flats Training Area Moose Study
Collaborators:Brinkman TJ (PI), Seaton K (Co-PI, ADF&G)
Moose hunter and wolf spatial patterns (2014-2016)
Moose hunter and wolf spatial patterns in the Yukon Flats of Interior Alaska
Objectives: To quantify moose hunter access and wolf hunting behavior in the same area to assess spatial relationships.
Collaborators: Brinkman TJ (PI), Lake B (USFWS)
Students: Pedersen N (Co-PI), Johnson I (Co-PI)